Sestra Autumn Miller

Letters from our missionary in the Czech/Slovak Mission

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Boast of My God


This week was incredible. I feel like things are just so great! It is is
amazing when you have the attitude that something is going to be awesome,
it will be awesome. This week was not only great because awesome things
happened, some really hard things took place, but it helped show me how big
of a role faith plays in our lives-I knew that everything would be okay.

So to start of we had a bunch of lessons scheduled onn Tuesday and then all
of a sudden they cancelled, one after another. For a moment I was a little
frozen, did that really just happen? I was a little stunned and confused,
but then I realized I wasnt sad. *​*With that extra time we had we were
able to continue to work and find those being prepared by God, and were
able to reschedule meetings. It is amazing how big of an influence the
Spirt has in our lives. When we keep our covenants and strive to become
better every day and are repenting, just like it is written in the
sacrament prayer, we can have His Spirit to be with us always. I felt that,
that day, when normally the day maybe could have gone down, I was able to
still have a positive attitude and eagerness to continue the work!

Wednesday we had a wonderful training In Prague. Wow it was so inspired.
For a moment I just thought to myself, wow God really does know me because
everything connected right to me. *​*

It was amazing because later this week, I was able to apply what I had
learned in training, to helping our investigators. A lot of it was based on
how much God loves us. Each and everyone of us. We are all so special to
Him. We need to be making the best of every moment. Appreciating ourselves
and others.

I got home late evening after being on an exchange in Prague and we were
trying to decide how to use the rest of our time for the night. We thought
that it would be fun to make some cinnamon rolls real fast and deliver it
to some members and less actives. Turns out that we did not have all the
ingredients that we needed, we had to make a couple trips to the store. I
started to feel bad for having to run back to the store, but we were
supposed to be there at that exact time for a reason! We ran into a family
that we are teaching and were able to chat with them for a few minutes and
find out a very big trial that they are facing in their life right now.
Because we ran into them we were able to prepare well for their lesson the
next day. We came home and were blown away, because what we originally had
planned was not what they needed. When we finally delivered the goodies a
day later, we were able to make some bright smiles! It was amazing. Brought
us so much joy, rejoicing in our faith in Christ!

One thing after another, people are just constantly facing trials. But that
is a part of life. We must face hard things so that we can rely on our
Savior to help us overcome them. He makes us stronger. He loves us
sometimes even enough to hurt us, and build us up even stronger. That was a
talk given a few years ago. The next day a former investigator had a very
very hard emotional challenge. We gathered at a members home and all four
of the missionaries and the couple were able to testify of how much God
loved this person. The Spirit grew so strong. It was one of the most
inspiring nights that I have had in my life. This person did not feel that
they were loved by God. It broke my heart. It was in that moment when I
felt a change within me. Hot tears streamed down my face. I have been
blessed with a gift from God, serving as a missionary in the Czech
Republic, to love His children. I really do love them. It was a wonderful
strong meeting filled with tears, Spirit, stories, scriptures, and
motivation. Each person in that home was touched. I am so thankful to know
that we have a loving Heavenly Father.

On Saturday we had another day of being cancelled on. But still high hopes
of finding people who were ready to learn of the joy of the gospel. It is
amazing how much giving time to your God, even if things may not be
perfect, still makes you happy. I love this work. I am grateful to be here
among the Czechs. We had an amazing fast and testimony meeting on Sunday
and I felt really close to the members. I was chatting with Bratr Vlk and
asked him about his conversion story and he began to cry as he told me how
much the gospel had blessed his life. How amazing.

We also met with an investigator who I am pretty sure finally believes in
God! It has been so cool to see him grow. We invited him to be baptized and
he told us that he wanted to be. He studies the Book of Mormon and thinks
of the things we teach him and how it is effecting his life. He is changing
and I love being a part of sharing the good news with him that will create
a whole new wonderful happy life.

I will boast of my God for in His strength I can do all things. Alma 26:12.

Have a wonderful week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Fall leaves*
*Cinnamon Rolls*
*Lots and Lots of Cinnamon Rolls*
*Mladá Boleslav*​






This week was unlike no other. I was actually sick in Prague for a few
days, but am going through the recovery process. Something that has
actually helped me during this time is the fact that my Savior is there and
He knows exactly what I am going through. It was difficult to not be out
helping the Lords work like I wanted to be, but looking at it from another
view I was able to see how amazing missionary work is. That we go out every
day with the goal of Bring Others Unto Christ, in mind. That is all we do.
Whether it be a smile, a bearing of testimony, teaching a lesson about the
restored gospel, visiting a less active member, knocking on doors
proclaiming the good news, chatting with people on the streets, or just
simply speaking or praying of them, it is all a part of His great and
glorious work. I love it. Every single moment of my mission has made me
stronger and brought me closer to the Lord.

The days that we actually were in our area went well. One of our
investigators from Bulgaria had a lot of questions about Jesus Christ. We
brought everything back to prayer. It is so powerful, how we can seek
answers and truly find if things are right or not. It was a good lesson.

We have an amazing activity every Friday night, called Inspiration Night.
It is held at a members house and we eat, play games, and share a spiritual
thought at the end. It is a great way to get members introduced to
investigators. It is also a way to get them eased into spiritual things
without being in the church building, if that is new or scary for them. It
is a different atmosphere but a great way for friends to be introduced to
the missionaries. It is working really well. We had one of our
investigators come and he loved it. We showed the Hope of Gods Light at the
end. When my companion and I got home we were saying a prayer and asked
that this specific investigator would receive an answer. Right as she
closed the prayer our phone dinged and we had received a text from that
investigator saying that he had an amazing experience and that the video
was exactly what he needed to see and hear and that it helped him. He also
told us that he wanted to come to church. AMAZING. Look at that, prayer
answered immeadiately. We jumped for joy, literally, no kidding. It makes
me so happy to see others coming closer to Christ and exercising faith in
their life. Sometimes our answers dont come right away, but they always do.
We had been praying for a couple weeks about this, and it came in just the
right moment.

We had a wonderful stake conference this weekend. It actually was not in
Prague this time, it was broadcasted in Brno. So we watched it at our
building in Jičín. It was fabulous. It was really cool because many people
that I have served around the country with, spoke at this conference! I
have developed a testimony for leaders and for members, the work that they
do. They have such a huge impact and light on their friends. It was
incredible to hear their stories with the Savior and with missionary work.
WE ARE NEVER ALONE. I love these people and they are making me stronger.

3 Nephi 27:16 We must endure to the end! He has chosen us, we can be on His
side today. He will help you. I know that He is there.

Love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Trackting *
*Just in Prague*
*Beautiful City Line*

Ahoj! Like always, it was a wonderful week. I am really seeing that
everyday, you can be led by the Spirit. If you are sick, lost, happy,
confused, whatever the case may be, His spirit can be there for us. I have
been considering this in all my thoughts, choices and actions. Is this
something that Christ would do? Is this something that will invite the
Spirit more to my life? When I have a question I ask. By doing so I have
seen miracles through the good and the hard.

A few highlights:

We had a wonderful Friday night. Each week we meet at a members home and
families come for a little dinner, we play games and then we share
spiritual thoughts. It works great! Sister Farnsworth and I got to teach
the kids. So three of them are members, two were just baptized about a
month ago, and another one is an investigator. We taught them about prayer
and related it to the experience that Joseph Smith had finding the golden
plates and the restored gospel. So we took little golden plates that my
sister Jaylin sent me and stuffed candy inside of them. We showed the kids
the plates and told them that we would hide them and they would have to
find them. They all closed their eyes, and hopped right up when we told
them they could open them. They ran around the room looking for ten
minutes, got on eachothers shoulders and they were so confused. We kept on
offering help and they said noooo. We can do it! Finally they got a little
frustrated and gave up and asked for help. We showed them where they were
and read James 1:5 and talked about how we can always seek wisdom from God.
He is there always ready and willing to give us help. But sometimes we dont
ask for His help. It is worth humbling ourselves and turning to God so that
we can receive sweet blessings and guidance. We opened the plates and
showed them the candy and compared it to answers to prayers. Then we sang a
Childs Prayer together. It was amazing. The spirit was so strong and these
young children each shared such powerful experiences with prayer. It blew
me away. They are rooted in the gospel and I know that as they continue to
pray they will grow closer and closer to our Heavenly Father.

We also met with our nature investigator. He is making so much progress and
we had a wonderful meeting with him about receiving answers and a
conversion. We focused a lot on feeling the Spirit through the Book of
Mormon. We read 2 Nephi 4:16-35 and talked about experiencing a conversion.
He loved it. His favorite verse was 27 talking about how we cna be clean
and feel goodness in our souls. Even though hard things happen or maybe we
feel guilt, that can all be swept away through the Atonement of Jesus
Christ. I love this blessing. How incredible it is that we cna live a good
life in a hard world. He asked us how he can tell if he has received an
answer. This can be tricky because it comes differently for everyone, but
we talked about how we can receive answers through scriptures, feelings,
people, words from others, there are so many ways. I think that we
personally have to be paying close enough attention to it. It is one thing
to want it but it is another to both desire and act upon it. We must
ponder, search, and be willing to take action. I know that God hears and
answers our prayers. I bore testimony of receiving comfort when I had had a
hard night, and I felt the need to pray and opened to the exact chapter
that I needed. Alma 7. It is incredible, the God truly works among us.

On Sundaz we got to go to church. Shocker there! No just kidding, but
really I just love church. It is an amazing time to escape from all the
worldly things and worship and learn with others who are desiring to do
better. This is something we share with many investigators and less
actives, that church is for the sick, those who are humbeling themselves to
use the Saviors healing power. And we can do that by going to His service.
I got to speak! Of course it was about missionary work. I used the analogy
from President Nelson about the Book of Mormon being more precious than
rubies. I compared it to the gospel of Jesus Christ being our treasure in
life. I asked if the gospel was worth rubies to them, if it was we must be
willing to share it with others! I am very blessed to be in the same ward
with the one temple sealer in the Czech Republic and he spoke after me. He
talked about how the heavens really are open, we can work with God.

Thomas S Monson said, “When we are on the Lords errand we are entitled to
His help.”

1 Nephi 10:19 talks about knowing the mysteries of God. He loves us.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Trackting and Prague and awesome kids!!*


So pretty all over the place week. From spending all day out on the streets
in Boleslav to downtown Prague. We had training this week and then we also
went to Jičín for Inspiration Night. Saturday was a day full of lessons. It
was amazing!

We were able to invite this guy that we have been teaching English to, to
hear the lessons that we share. He was really excited and told us that he
loved all the spiritual thoughts that we share. I am very happy that I can
so easily share the joy that I have and see others receive joy through it!

We had a really solid lesson on how Gode can help us live the word of
wisdom. We have one investigator who is preparing for baptism that has a
hard time with smoking. But every lesson we get to testify of how he really
can overcome it with Jesus Christ. He knows us and because of His Atonement
he can succor to our needs.

We also got to meet with our investigator that loves the nature. He started
out not having any idea of who God was, and now he wants to believe in Him!
My heart started racing when he told us that. He committed to prayer openly
and ask if God really is there. The spirit was so strong and our happiness
shined through, as we promised and testified that he would receive an
answer that He is there.

It is amazing that adventures that you have with the people and the culture
and the land and history in a foreign country. I love the people and their
home and I love the work!

We were walking on Sunday and I had a feeling to talk to this lady, but I
saw a mom too. I thought about what path to také and felt to go towards the
woman. We chatted with her and she really enjoyed our company. She was so
kind and shared her beliefs with us. She was delighted to be invited to a
lesson- We are excited to meet with her this week!!! Always follow the

Helaman 5:30 we must always be seeking the spirit.

Have an amazing week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

Sunsets in Boleslav
We made halušky with Simonka and Mirka
We also went to česky raj
We went to a castle!

Path to God


This week was a good one. Like always. So we are just chugging away. Often
times my companion and I talk about how lucky we are to be here in the
Czech Republic. It is such an amazing opportunity to get to know the people
and shine the light of Christ.

We had a meeting with one of our investigators and he prayed for the first
time ever!!! We asked him how he felt, and he said that it brought him
happiness. He told us that he had hope that there is something up on the
top. I cannot describe the sensation and joy that comes, when a seed has
been planted, and a person is beginning to reap from it. How incredible! We
were able to share the restoration with him and invite him to read a little
of the Book of Mormon. We are gradually helping him on his path to finding

We also did a lot of finding this week. Today actually we were out on the
streets in the late morning. There was the normal crowd of people, but I
stopped as we neared a neighborhood and asked my companion if she felt we
should change our direction. We paused for a moment and both felt the need
to go on a certain path. We soon ran into a woman who was very sad. She
told us that nothing gave her joy, and she didnt really want to even be
talking with us. But we explained to her how we help people have hope, even
in these difficult times of life where we feel very alone. She listened as
we bore testimony. We left her with a card and she thanked us for talking
to her. I am so happy that we followed that sweet prompting and offer a
light of hope and peace.

We also got to see a few of the memebers this week. There is one family
here that is half czech and half american, the husband is from America. We
got to visit them this weekend, and when we walked into our home it was
like being in a forcefield. There was so much love, peace, and happiness.
Kind words and actions. I know that it was home where the spirit dwelled.
We also visited a very sweet older member and she shared with us a little
of her conversion story, and just told stories and laughed and loved us! It
was so nice to have a fun little tea party again, and then we shared a
thought with her about the light of Christ.

On Sunday I chatted with the temple sealer. He is the one who does all the
sealings for this country. He gave me very sweet encouragement and
explained to me how big it is when people decide to join the church here.
It is something so new and huge to except. That Joseph Smith restored the
true Church of Jesus Christ, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God,
there are just so many big huge blessings! I am grateful for the
opportunity that I have to teach and preach every single day. I love it.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:119
Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house,
even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of
learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God

*Have a wonderful week and look for miracles! They are everywhere!S
laskou,Sestra MillerCzech Republic*
*She has been a member of the Church since 1989!*

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