
This week has been great! The days in the mtc literally feel like years, but the weeks go by feeling like one day! It is so weird! But I have learned so much this week, and I can really feel myself changing and being molded by His hands into the missionary that He wants me to become.

We got to hear from another apostle this week! Elder Neil L. Anderson from the quorum of the 12 came and spoke at our devotional, on his birthday! The spirit was so strong! I know that he is called of God. He spoke directly to us about how the elect are waiting for you, where ever you are going. He also mentioned how the job of being a missionary is not easy, but when we open our mouths they will be filled. What a great blessing to have. I know that as I am being prepared in the mtc right now, there are people over in the Czech Republic whose hearts are being softened and prepared to hear the message that I have to share!

Another thing that really hit me this week is my faith. In order for faith to work, you have to put it into action! It takes a lot of courage and trust, but with the Lord on your side, you are unstoppable. Which is so so comforting to me.

One of our investigators this week committed to baptism. It was one of the most exciting and spiritual moments ever! My heart is just so happy that they are recognizing and wanting to grow closer to God. Another said her first prayer out loud with us. It was such a tender sweet time. They are helping me learn as I teach them about the plan of happiness that God has given us through the gospel. Being a missionary allows me to look at others through the eyes of Christ, and it is simply one of the best things ever!!!

This week I found what has become one of my most favorite and loved scriptures yet. It is in Moroni 7:13. I will attach a pic of it in Czech. But it talks about how all good thoughts are inspired of God. This helped me understand that I really need to take heed on all the positive promptings that I get. I know that He will help us and guide us, and by acting on his promptings, we will be happier, and we will be able to spread that happiness with others!

I hope you all have a blessed week!

S Laskaou,

Sestra Miller

Pictures: my fav scripture in Czech!
Our elders attempting to do the cool head poking out of the side of the door
Most of our zone, our last exercise day all together, playing Australian hand ball (aka best game ever!) Try and spot me!;)