
I would just like to proudly announce that I am leaving the MTC in 8 DAYS for the CZECH REPUBLIC! Yes. It is actually happening. I know, I cannot believe it either. But it is coming no matter how surreal it feels!

This week has been great. We god to listen to an amazing speaker on Tuesday. His name is Juan A. Uceda, he is a member of the 70. I think that he literally blessed every single missionary’s life that night. He reminded us how we need to give the Lord our ALL. As a missionary, I am a true servant of the Lord, and He will make miracles through me. But I have to have my heart and mind focused on Him. I loved the reminder that he gave us, which was: He will work through you even when you are weak. To be honest, there are many times where I have felt very weak and unable of things. I think that this is something everyone of us faces challenges with. We tell ourselves that we can’t, but really, we CAN! We just have to exercise and act on that faith, and He will pick us up and make us strong. I know that as I give my heart to Him, and share my testimony with others that He lives, they will be able to feel His love.

So I challenge you all, put POSITIVE feelings in your heart today! You can do this! I know you can, and He knows that you can! Even in struggling moments, He can lift you. When you struggle it shows that you are trying. I have felt this on many occasions during my lessons in Czech. But as I trust Him, I have have been able to feel Him lift me. I know that He will help you too:)

I made this little analogy the other day, talking with a sister in my district. I made a reference to the super cute movie, A Bug’s Life. Remember the part where the bugs are flying into the light, and they cannot help themselves. I was telling her that we will be that light in the Czech Republic. They will be attracted and then zapped!!! But zapped with spirituality! Hahah so a good thing, yes a very good thing, it will not hurt them;) I am just so ready to get out there and meet the people that God has set in my path. My heart is already in the Czech Republic. As we were skyping a sweet couple and their twins yesterday, even though they spoke very slurred Czech, I had so much compassion for them.

I love Mosiah. This week I found a scripture there that really picked me up. It is in chapter 23 verses 21-22. It talks about having patience, and as you trust Him, He will lift you up.

I hope that you all have a fabulous week!!!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

Some of the Czech Sestry!
Our silly sour Czech Elders
Gotta get a selfie in every once in a while;)
This is our most updated zone picture, we will get another tomorrow with the new Polish!