Sestra Autumn Miller

Letters from our missionary in the Czech/Slovak Mission

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Rainbows Showing Love of God


What a wonderful crazy week it was. I really do live the words in the hymn,
I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. It is incredibible. I am
literally living the life of acting as His hands and seeing blessings of
His children being blessed. It is the best thing I could ever ask for.

So we were actually not in our area a whole bunch this week. We were
visiting other areas, had some meetings, ward activities, and general
conference! Which was great by the way! So finding was a little bit

There was one day where nothing went as planned, and it was also very cold
and rainy. We were turned away all day, and things may not have seemed that
bright. I really felt like Heavenly Father had one person for us to find
that day though. So as dinner time rolled around, and we were finishing up
some phone calls, I had the thought come to my mind that we needed to go
outside. It was already dark and no one was on the streets. But the thought
got stronger and stronger. I told my companion, just five minutes. We said
a pray and headed out the door. Looked down both ways of the street and no
one. It was a little discouraging. We waited a moment and then saw a person
walk across the street. We stopped and they actually did not appear to be
that comfortable talking with us, but they stayed. In the end of this
confused athiests conversion, we exchanged numbers to plan on a meeting in
the future. How cool. God is preparing people I thought. But we still did
not set up with any one. We waited a moment, still with joy that we had met
someone who had potential interest, and then another person crossed the
street. Turns out they had lived in America and had heard of Mormons. We
told him that was us! We had a very friendly uplifting conversation and set
up with him for this week. I was blown away. I knew that God would bless us
with someone. And He did.

We had a meeting with a young man this week. Normally we teach half English
and then we introdue the gospel to him the other half. It was so cool
because he told us that he had tried praying! We promised him last time
that it would help, and he said that it did. Then he shared a saying with
us in Czech nevěřici tomaš which is like nonbeliever thomas or maybe
doubting thomas. He told us that is something that he does not want to be.
How amazing!!! He is already finding a desire to beleive in God!

We also had a fabulous meeting in a cafe with a new investigator. After I
had made a very big mixup in czech, saying that we could not go there and
meet because it was a Sunday, I was so convinced that we were on Sunday,
but really it was Saturday. After I figured out why he kept on saying I
dont understand you, we were able to happily keep going with things! It
was our second lesson with him. We asked him if he had thought about God
this week and he said yes. He asked great questions. I was very moved by
the spirit because this cafe was playing not very great music. While it
could have been very distracting, it was not. The spirit was so strong. I
learned that night that truly we stand in Holy places. We can make them a
place to feel the spirit when we do so with love. I dont think I have ever
listened so hard!!! To understand all that he was saying. I felt so much
love from God for His child, to help him with answers to his questions. It
was a very powerful teaching moment for my companion and I. In the end
after a few times asking, we committed him to pray and ask if God is there.
I know that he will feel the love of God when he does so!!

Yesterday we were driving home from church and had the feeling to pull off
and try knocking on some doors in a little neighborhood. After a while we
wondered where we needed to go. We prayed and changed direction and felt
really good. I knocked on a door and it was quickly closed in my face. When
you might get a little despairful thoughts, I turned and to my surprise I
turned around and there was a huge rainbow. I smiled and my companion and I
turned to eachother and both very strongly felt Gods love. We remember the
sign that He had given Noah, and remembered that God was with us and loved
us and was happy we were here and sharing His light.

Genesis 9:13-17 We can remember the covenants and blessings that we have
with God. He is so loving and merciful!

Last thing! We were challenged to find four people yesterday. We did not
get home until five in the evening. We prayed and prayed and God prepared
two couples for us to meet in the late of night. I was absolutely taken

I love this gospel. I know that it is true. I hope that you can all see
Gods love for you this week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Beautiful night trackting*
*Sestry in Narnia*
*Went on an adventure with the district and Otakar*

The Key to Being Happy

Ahoj! Where to even begin. This week was one of the most incredible weeks
EVER. I love the work. I love being happy. It comes from heaven! I am so
grateful to be working alongside with my Savior.

So we met with a new friend of ours. He is actually trying to start up his
own business and is asking for English help. So we teach him English and
then we share a spiritual thought at the end. It has been amazing to see
somebody who does not beleive in God, feel His love. As missionaries we get
a little extra dose of the love that Heavenly Father has for his children.
We prayed at the end of our meeting and asked that God bless him to have
success. He got very emotional and thanked us for helping him. He expressed
to us how much it meant to him that someone he had just met recently
already cares so much for him and his well being and success, that they
pray for him. It was a very heart touching moment, and I am excited to
continue sharing him our beleifs and joy that come from our faith in God!

I also have been blown away by the simplicity of joy. If that makes any
sense? Literally we can be happy because of so many things! I love the fall
season! Not biased at all hehee. My companion and I literally get giddy by
looking at the leaves changing their color. It is something so beautiful,
and always brings a smile to our faces. I love that when we look at the
little things, they can make the brightest impact on our attitudes!

We were driving home from a meeting and looking at the beauty of Gods
creation, and talking about the lesson we would be having once we got home.
We met with a person who was an investigator in the past, and he told us
that he wants to be baptised. We asked why and he said so that I can be
clean. We are very excited to keep teaching and help them understand the
great importance of the path to heaven.

We had an absolutely amazing lesson with an investigator that we have been
meeting with for a little over a month now. He is from Slovakia and
extremely difficult for me to understand, but the spirit always carries us
through. We were able to show him the video, Hope of Gods Light. It was
such a powerful lesson. he has gone from being very mad at God, to finding
that He really is still there for him. It is amazing to see the spirit
soften hearts of Gods children. I understand his concerns. He has had a
very rough past, and he believed that God was no longer there to help him.
But we testified of so many experiences and scriptures of how we can
communicate with our Father in heaven and make things right. He will help
us. He gives us these challenges because that he knows we can overcome
them. That is where the role of the Savior comes in. We must rely on him.
At the end of the lesson, he prayed for the first time in eight years.

I have found that the key to being *happy* is by *loving* others.

One day it was pretty quiet outside, not many people. I thought to maybe
try walking through a little neighborhood to see if anyone was out, and if
not we could knock on a couple of doors. My companion and I were talking
about our favorite parts of the gospel. Mine was that we have a loving
Heavenly Father, and He gave His Son. I love how much we refer to Jesus
Christ as our rock. I love that He is always there and we emphasize how to
feel His love and become His friend. Then down the road on the corner I saw
a man in a wheel chair. He was very disabled. I knew I needed to tell him
that God loved him. I walked up to him almost as if I knew him. And he
could not speak. I told him that we had a Heavenly Father and that He knew
him and loved him. I gave him our card and he had a huge smile, I shook his
hand and he struggeling said ahojjjj in a very crackling voice. He could
only moved one hand. Then he resumed to looking up at the sky smiling. I
love that experience. Something so little and simple. I knew he needed
that. I know that I was prompted to meet him. I loved his attitude of being
at peace and looking happy even though it is probably a really hard life
for him.

I also got to give a CTR ring to a sweet little ten year old girl that we
are teaching. She was so excited and jumped for joy!! How fun! To see
someone with some much hope in God. She told us that she prays whenever she
is nervous and always feels better.

We also got to go to a training in Brno! Drove all the way across the
country for it! What fun. Long long drive for me, but it was really good.

We also got to meet with a new investigator. It was so wonderful. He
believes in nature. he told us the he did not believe in God. We shared
scripture and our message powerfully. The spirit was so strong. I shared my
experience of finding God and in the end his heart was softened and he told
us that we would think about God existing and talk to us more this weekend.

I love this work. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. It brings the greatest

1 Nephi 18: 21, 22 Nephi is a great example of saying prayers of faith and
adjusting the sails to the Lords way. Prayer is so powerful and the Lord
truly knows the way. We must trust in Him.

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Beautiful Czech Republic*
*Country Riding*
*Our church building*
*Yes we are matching *
*We rode across the country this week*
*Made Slovak Halušky!*

I am just happy

Ahoj! This week has been fabulous. It was really cool because I started out
in Prague. Almost a year ago I came into the country, and I was back in
that same spot again. I got to explore a little bit with one of my mtc
sisters and it was really fun to see how far we have come. We went through
this path that we did our first day, and it was an awesome reflection of
how much a year of serving the Lord has impacted me. I love the joy that
the gospel brings to me.

So this week was cool. Surely saw the calm and rapid waves. We had some
awesome lessons.

It has been raining a TON!! We went ringing doors, chatting to people under
umbrellas and teaching in cafes! It has been so cool to see the glow of a
testimony of Christ touch another.

Some of the lessons that we taught this week, challenged me in some of my
knowledge, but it has helped me to rely on the sure foundation that I have
in Christ. I was excited for the opportunity to testify of him.

One lesson that we had was with someone who has not been to church in a
long time. They want to come back, but it is hard for them. We shared a
scripture in

Alma 34:32 *this life is a time to prepare to meet God*.

He really liked it, and said that he will come back. It is so exciting!

I am really thankful for the light and happiness that the gospel of Jesus
Christ brings me. I am thankful to be here. I cannot even sum up really all
that happened this week, but just looking back on it, it was a good one.

Have a fabulous week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*My new comp! I am training!!! We had a fun outing in Liberec!*
*The beginning of the week I was waiting in Prague to pick up my new
companion, and I got to be companions with Sestra Harrington from my mtc
group! We had a blast together, and got to see the beauty of Prague again!*

Strong Spirit


Well to be honest, I cannot remember a whole bunch this week besides that
it was a real good one. I think one of the things that I love most is that
we can go through trials and still seek happiness through it all. I have
seen that through investigators, members, people on the streets, and even
within myself. I am thankful that God gives us challenges. I know that with
Him we can overcome them. I know that in the end we will have ultimate joy.

This week we got to meet with some really cool people and I got to witness
miracles happen. Man, being the Lords servant, the promise is true, Elder
Bednar told us in the mtc that we have the best front row seat: of seeing
the Atonement of Jesus Christ effect others. I saw His light touch those
that we taught.

So about a month ago we were walking home one afternoon from a crazy
lesson. We decided to contact home, and I nudged my companion to talk to
this man. He looked cool, long twister beard. I have literally seen a
change in him. We have had a few lessons with him, but we were having a
hard time getting through to him. This last week though, the spirit was so
strong. He completely opened up and he decided that he wanted to start a
relationship with God again. I bore a lot of personal testimony and it just
felt so wonderful to reach out to someone with my own experiences and with
the word of God.

We also have been teaching a bulgarian. He is amazing and truly wants to
hear what we have to say. It is so incredible, seeing how much sharing the
gospel can have a positive influence on someones life. We are excited to
meet with him this week, because we actually gave him a Book of Mormon and
he was very excited to start reading it!

I love our members. Every Sunday I look forward to saying hello to
everyone. They are all so kind. We had a speaker this week from America who
mentioned the duty they have to be a Mormon here in the Czech Republic.
They are such amazing examples to me. I love them all so much, andddddd I
am so happy because for the first time ever I WILL BE STAYING. Mladá
Boleslav will be my longest home yet. I am looking forward to it. I will
also be serving with a new sister missionary, so wish me luck!

Thank you for your prayers, love and encouragement. I know that God loves
each of you.

Alma 32:28 Faith is like a seed. Let it grow and swell within you.

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Our English class!*

*Trackting in the rain *


*Burritos in Prauge *

Fwd: Righteous Light


Well this week was pretty cool, I had the chance to spend time with a lot
of really awesome people and reflect on my faith and how it has effected me
my entire life.

This week one of our meetings involved discussing spiritual experiences,
and how blessed we are by them. We talked a lot about how church is a way
for us to refuel. That every Sunday we can go and learn something new, feel
loved, partake of the sacrament, and have a smile on our face.

We also taught a family about how receiving blessings from God is possible
for everyone of us. We shared that as we live faithfully we can be happier
than we would momentarily imagine, and that up in heaven rich blessings are
in store.

We also met with a fairly new investigator and he speaks some crazy slovak.
Which is not Czech ahaha, so we had to listen very closely. It is amazing
that through love and patience, we truly can be led. We had some wonderful
meetings with him this week.

Also I just saw God work some magic. It is incredible to me that he has
blessed us with his spirit, and with the light of Christ. I know that this
is a real attribute. The light we have can just grow more and more as we
nurture it and act faithfully. This week we had two people come up to us on
the street and contacted us! We were able to set up lessons with the both
of them, people who were truly seeking to learn more about the goodness of
having faith. I love missionary work!

We met with one of them this weekend and it was amazing. Every place truly
can be a holy place! When we invite the spirit, he will abide. We explained
prayer and then we talked a lot about the goodness of God. It was a
wonderful lesson. We aslo asked why they wanted to meet with us and their
reply was, I was curious as to why you are always so happy and have a smile
on your face. I know that by living the gospel of Jesus Christ, it has made
me a stronger, better, loving, and happier person! I am so thankful for it.

Alma 5:35 Come unto me and bring forth the works of righteousness.

Have a fabulous week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Dinner on my year mark in the country!*

*We went to Liberec and visited a museum for culture night*

*Scenery in the town*

*My sweet companion and I*

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