
Well this week was pretty cool, I had the chance to spend time with a lot
of really awesome people and reflect on my faith and how it has effected me
my entire life.

This week one of our meetings involved discussing spiritual experiences,
and how blessed we are by them. We talked a lot about how church is a way
for us to refuel. That every Sunday we can go and learn something new, feel
loved, partake of the sacrament, and have a smile on our face.

We also taught a family about how receiving blessings from God is possible
for everyone of us. We shared that as we live faithfully we can be happier
than we would momentarily imagine, and that up in heaven rich blessings are
in store.

We also met with a fairly new investigator and he speaks some crazy slovak.
Which is not Czech ahaha, so we had to listen very closely. It is amazing
that through love and patience, we truly can be led. We had some wonderful
meetings with him this week.

Also I just saw God work some magic. It is incredible to me that he has
blessed us with his spirit, and with the light of Christ. I know that this
is a real attribute. The light we have can just grow more and more as we
nurture it and act faithfully. This week we had two people come up to us on
the street and contacted us! We were able to set up lessons with the both
of them, people who were truly seeking to learn more about the goodness of
having faith. I love missionary work!

We met with one of them this weekend and it was amazing. Every place truly
can be a holy place! When we invite the spirit, he will abide. We explained
prayer and then we talked a lot about the goodness of God. It was a
wonderful lesson. We aslo asked why they wanted to meet with us and their
reply was, I was curious as to why you are always so happy and have a smile
on your face. I know that by living the gospel of Jesus Christ, it has made
me a stronger, better, loving, and happier person! I am so thankful for it.

Alma 5:35 Come unto me and bring forth the works of righteousness.

Have a fabulous week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Dinner on my year mark in the country!*

*We went to Liberec and visited a museum for culture night*

*Scenery in the town*

*My sweet companion and I*