
This was another one of those weeks where I look back on it and I cannot
even begin to tell you all that happened, but that it was awesome. It
pushed me in a lot of ways that I am very grateful for. Every day is a
chance to do better. I read a quite a little while ago, it was actually an
answer that a man gave when he was asked why he prays. He said, I pray so
that I can change and become better the next day. I really liked that.
Every day is a new day and full of so many windows. We really are here to
have joy, and sometimes that happiness comes through enduring. I saw that a
lot in my week!

So I had the opportunity to go on exchanges in Pardubice early last week!
It was so fun getting to see some of the sisters that I served with in the
mtc. It was also a big flashback, because it was almost a year ago this
week that we all flew into the country. That is when the mission got really
real for me. I AM SO THANKFUL TO BE HERE. I could not wish to be anywhere
else than in the Czech Republic, it is truly amazing. For so many reasons,
one of them being the nudges that I am recognizing from the spirit. When we
were doing a big contact display in the city, I had the feeling to go back
and talk to this girl in really cute pink shorts. I hesitated, but then I
remember the council from Elder Ronald A Raspband, that every thought from
the spirit is pure inspiration from heaven, and that I needed to be a first
responder! So we went back and talked to her and then we shared with her
our message about how families can be together forever, now the sisters
have a meeting with her tomorrow! How incredible, the blessings that come
from following the spirit and also the happiness I get from sharing my joy
with others.

We had the pleasure to hear from an incredible member from the seventy this
week also! So many wonderful thoughts were shared from him, his wife, and
my amazing mission president and his wife. We are here to receive more
light and we are the ones that control the amount that we have each day. We
make the decision to be happy and to fill our lives with the truth and love
from our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that HE LIVES. He really does, and I
was able to build my testiomony of Him during that meeting.

We got to visit a very sweet dear member this weekend. It was so fun. She
had prepared for us chicken steak and potato eggs salad! We chatted with
her and got to know how much she loves the gospel. She has been so blessed
by it and loves to share it with everyone. She game me the sweetest grandma
hug. It is amazing how much a hug of love can do. Go give someone a hug
today and tell them how much you appreciate them!

Yesterday was ward conference, so we were pretty big in numbers with lots
of visitors from around the country. My favorite part was when our choir
sang. They were smiling brightly and they were so happy. It was amazing to
hear them sing about our joy in the gospel. I was able to look at each one
and see how much they fight to be members here. And that all of us go
through challenges, yet when we hold strong to faith truly all will be
well. I chatted with a quiet member after church and tried to comfort her.
I told her that we all have hard days but we can come to church and all
will be ok, she said yes we come and receive just enough strength and can
feel love. I know this to be true!

Then yesterday we had a fun time trackting in the afternoon and offering a
message about Jesus Christ. I love my work!

Doctrine and Covenants 19 We shared this section with a less active. We
were trying to encourage him to come back to church. In the end of the
section it says,

Or canst thou be humble and meek, and conduct thyself wisely before me?
Yea, come unto me thy Savior. Amen.
I know that is all He simply asks of us. To come unto Him. I hope that each
of us will take it upon ourselves to follow in His steps. There is promised
happiness beyond comprehension as we do so. Who we were teaching said inthe
end, yes I need to go to church reguarly, and I will start to.

The gospel is true!

Have a fabulous week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Reunited with all my MTC sestry. One year later! Same zone conference*
*Beauty in the Czech Republic. These are a few of the town squares that I
visited this week!*