Letters from our missionary in the Czech/Slovak Mission

The Heavens Are Open

Ahoj! Like always, it was a wonderful week. I am really seeing that
everyday, you can be led by the Spirit. If you are sick, lost, happy,
confused, whatever the case may be, His spirit can be there for us. I have
been considering this in all my thoughts, choices and actions. Is this
something that Christ would do? Is this something that will invite the
Spirit more to my life? When I have a question I ask. By doing so I have
seen miracles through the good and the hard.

A few highlights:

We had a wonderful Friday night. Each week we meet at a members home and
families come for a little dinner, we play games and then we share
spiritual thoughts. It works great! Sister Farnsworth and I got to teach
the kids. So three of them are members, two were just baptized about a
month ago, and another one is an investigator. We taught them about prayer
and related it to the experience that Joseph Smith had finding the golden
plates and the restored gospel. So we took little golden plates that my
sister Jaylin sent me and stuffed candy inside of them. We showed the kids
the plates and told them that we would hide them and they would have to
find them. They all closed their eyes, and hopped right up when we told
them they could open them. They ran around the room looking for ten
minutes, got on eachothers shoulders and they were so confused. We kept on
offering help and they said noooo. We can do it! Finally they got a little
frustrated and gave up and asked for help. We showed them where they were
and read James 1:5 and talked about how we can always seek wisdom from God.
He is there always ready and willing to give us help. But sometimes we dont
ask for His help. It is worth humbling ourselves and turning to God so that
we can receive sweet blessings and guidance. We opened the plates and
showed them the candy and compared it to answers to prayers. Then we sang a
Childs Prayer together. It was amazing. The spirit was so strong and these
young children each shared such powerful experiences with prayer. It blew
me away. They are rooted in the gospel and I know that as they continue to
pray they will grow closer and closer to our Heavenly Father.

We also met with our nature investigator. He is making so much progress and
we had a wonderful meeting with him about receiving answers and a
conversion. We focused a lot on feeling the Spirit through the Book of
Mormon. We read 2 Nephi 4:16-35 and talked about experiencing a conversion.
He loved it. His favorite verse was 27 talking about how we cna be clean
and feel goodness in our souls. Even though hard things happen or maybe we
feel guilt, that can all be swept away through the Atonement of Jesus
Christ. I love this blessing. How incredible it is that we cna live a good
life in a hard world. He asked us how he can tell if he has received an
answer. This can be tricky because it comes differently for everyone, but
we talked about how we can receive answers through scriptures, feelings,
people, words from others, there are so many ways. I think that we
personally have to be paying close enough attention to it. It is one thing
to want it but it is another to both desire and act upon it. We must
ponder, search, and be willing to take action. I know that God hears and
answers our prayers. I bore testimony of receiving comfort when I had had a
hard night, and I felt the need to pray and opened to the exact chapter
that I needed. Alma 7. It is incredible, the God truly works among us.

On Sundaz we got to go to church. Shocker there! No just kidding, but
really I just love church. It is an amazing time to escape from all the
worldly things and worship and learn with others who are desiring to do
better. This is something we share with many investigators and less
actives, that church is for the sick, those who are humbeling themselves to
use the Saviors healing power. And we can do that by going to His service.
I got to speak! Of course it was about missionary work. I used the analogy
from President Nelson about the Book of Mormon being more precious than
rubies. I compared it to the gospel of Jesus Christ being our treasure in
life. I asked if the gospel was worth rubies to them, if it was we must be
willing to share it with others! I am very blessed to be in the same ward
with the one temple sealer in the Czech Republic and he spoke after me. He
talked about how the heavens really are open, we can work with God.

Thomas S Monson said, “When we are on the Lords errand we are entitled to
His help.”

1 Nephi 10:19 talks about knowing the mysteries of God. He loves us.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

*Trackting and Prague and awesome kids!!*

1 Comment

  1. Maralyn Bone

    I was touched by your beautiful letter. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I surely could improve on making better choices.
    Uncle Brian and I pray daily for missionaries throughout the world. We mention specifically those from our family, Mckay, Autumn, Cade, Andrew, Garrett and pretty soon, Conner. We are grateful for your service and love reading of your experiences.
    You are in our thoughts, ?
    Aunt Maralyn

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