Good morning everyone! I hope that you have all had a fantastic week, because I sure have!

It is so amazing being surrounded by so many people that have such a strong passion and love for both God and His evangelium (gospel). It has been so heart warming to think of him, learn of him, and teach about him, every single day. It is my very favorite thing to do!

This week was a whirlwind and so much has happened, it is kind of hard to keep all the days straight without having them blur together.

I spend practically all day studying the Czech language. 7:00am-9:00pm. It has been such a blessing to me. I have been able to see how much happiness the gospel not only brings me, but how much it blesses others too. So being able to learn how to express myself in another language so that I can share the impact that it has made for many of us, is so exciting!

During one of our lessons with Tomas we had the fire alarm go off during the very middle of it! We burst laughing and weren’t sure what to do, he still would not speak english, and he just looked at us. We did not know how to say okay we should exit the building so we just kinda ran out ahah. But after that our lessons grew better and better.

Our Czech speaking abilities improve more and more each day. I can truly feel the spirit working through me. I have witnessed it, and I know that the Holy Ghost is there to accompany you when you are reflecting Christ attributes.

During one hard lesson that we had, I was able to understand almost every single word that our investigator said, and it was such an amazing experience! I can never stop smiling! I love smiling, as most of you may know;) everything seems funnier in the mtc, so we sure do laugh a lot!

I got one of the starsi to try chocolate milk this week! ( crazy right?!?! I mean who does not like chocolate milk, let alone has never tried it before!) He loved it, and it gave me more confidence on how I can make something sound so good, so that others will desire it;)

I know this is a silly example, but it can be related to the gospel. So hang on with me here. I know that my Savior lives, and that he loves each and everyone of us. He gave us families and this gospel so that we could be happy and come back to live with him again. So when I go to the Czech Republic, I get to share this delectable glass of chocolate milk with others. It is so sweet and so good, I want to share it with everyone! Just one little sip at a time:)

My favorite scripture this week was 3 Nephi 22:13.It is sweet and simple, and I encourage you all to read it.

Thank you for your prayers and love, it means so much to me.

Nashledanou, Sestra Miller

(The pictures are mostly from our amazing temple walk with our zone! We have people going to the Czech Republic, Slovakie, Poland, Croatzia, and Bulgaria!! So cool! I love them all, and they are such great examples to me:))