Ahoj a Dobrey Den!!!

So, I am officially on my fourth day in the MTC. It is crazy to think that I just got here on Wednesday, it feels like forever ago! For those of you who do not know, the MTC stands for missionary training center, and I am at the one in Provo Utah! I will be here for the next 9 weeks, learning the Czech language, and preparing to teach the velmi krasny people of the Ceska Rrepublika! There are about 1600 or so missionaries here right now, and we are supposed to be getting 800 more in a few weeks! So that will be crazy!!

The spirit is so strong here, we are basically walking on holy grounds all day, and I love it oh so much! I have learned a ton already. Literally the second you get here, they put you right to work! The moment I walked inside I got my name tag, and that made it feel really official. As a missionary I have the authority to represent Christ. To me I feel immensely grateful for this opportunity. It is a once in a life time thing, and I am striving to do my best to reflect him in all my actions.

We spend around 9 hours a day or so JUST studying the language. It is so beautiful. Most of their words are quite a mouthful to say, like “Co si myslite, ze znamena vytrvat do konce?” which means, what do you think enduring to the end means.(Plus a bunch of accents on the letters,I have not figured out how to switch my keyboard yet;)). But the spirit is so strong and I have felt it help me in understanding.

There are six other sestras going to the Czech Republic with me, and 3 strasis. We have such a great district! My companion is Sestra Valentine, and there is another Sestra Miller! So I am Sestra Miller 2 in class hahah.

We taught our first lesson to our investigator Tomas. It was so much fun. My companion and I were laughing so much and whispering in English a little. There were moments where I was like, should I just testify? Because he was not getting what we were saying, and she was like yes! So off I went! It was so cool and I think he liked what I said;) hopefully it came out alright!

We tried to get him to pray with us and he was very confused, so we knelt down and he just stared at us ! HAH! We were kneeling dwn for like 5 minutes and then I started talking again and slowly raised back up to sit in my chair because I didn’t want to be on the ground anymore looking like a goof haha. But all in all it was great and he is letting us come back! He spoke so so fast, but I got a good chunk of what he said! So I was pretty happy about that.

I know that this evangelium is true. I know it with all my heart, I am so happy to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know the He lives, because I would not have been able to come this far, and be able to understand a fluent Czech speaker, with three days under my belt, if I did not have the spirit with me.

One of my favorite scriptures that I have studied this week is in Alma 37:36-37. It talks about how we should always turn to the Lord and have a relationship with him. Please take aminute to read it!



Sestra Miller