
Každy tyden je skvěla! My goodness, sometimes it is a little hard to wrap my whole week up into a short little email. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK!

> I will just let yall know a few highlights:
> So we went to Prague on Wednesday for our interviews with the President, but while we waited we got to do some contacting! So my district did a little singing display at Anděl and then we did some group contacting in downtown Prague, with a COUCH! It was so sweet. The elders carried couches out down the street, and then we invited people to sit and be taught the lessons. There are so many ways to make the work so much fun! It was also a really cool time, because Sister Brown and Sister Miller and I contacted together for a little bit! 3 of the greenies! Our trainers were so impressed. It was really fun, because we are all at the same language level and we got to talk to some really sweet people:)
> Then on Thursday we had exchanges with the sister training leaders! That was great. It was very fun to see how other missionaries approach the work. I am speaking more and more from heart with this krasny jazyk and oh I can just feel the spirit burning inside my heart! I just have so much that I want to say and share with these wonderful people. Teaching is just the best!
> There is one really sweet lady in our branch who just became reactivated, and we visit her often. This week we went to her house and we sang Lead Kindly Light for her. It was so powerful. She loved it. We talked about how we all have the light of Christ within us, and how to share it with others:)
> We also visit our super sweet oldest member in the branch this week too. She was watching Star Dance, which is like Czech Dancing with the Stars when we got there. She was so excited because she loved the cha cha, it was so cute, but we had to kindly ask her to turn it off haha. Then after our lesson she was praying and then next thing I know I look up and she was standing right next to me!!! SCARED ME! My comp and I still do not know if we both fell asleep or if she just forgot she was praying haha.
> We also got to travel to Brno on Saturday for the relief society conference! We got to see the sunrise on our bus ride there and it was beautiful. It made me so thankful to be exactly where my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I feel so blessed. Sisters from all over the country came to it. It was so powerful being with so many members, and women. We sang As Sisters In Zion together and I jsut wanted to cry. They have so much love for the gospel, all ages of girls and women, and hearing their testimonies was so meaningful to me.
> After the conference we went with a few members to KFC and Sestra Hill and I showed them how to dip fries in shakes, and they thought it was disgusting! Except for the little boy. They said Öh Americans…
> I loved this scripture this week. It is in 3 Nephi 26:9 and it talks about why we have trials. It is wonderful. I hope that you can all look at your hardships as blessings. Because they really do make you so so STRONG!!!
> Have a wonderful week!!!
> S laskou
> Sestra Miller
> Oh and the pics are of česky krumlof and Praha!