
I just love the Christmas season! Even on the other side of the world, this
time of the year truly warms everyones’hearts.

This week I we tried out caroling! It was so fun! Singing Czech Christmas
songs out their windows. The best part is when they poke out their heads,
and lean against the window seal and listen with a smile.

I love the church’s message right now, of Lighting the World. Each one of
us has the potential of doing so, but when we all come together, the
blessings are limitless!

There was one day where we switched it up a little bit and Sestra Andersen
and I went contacting on another part of town. It was at sunset, and so
many people were out. Sunset was also at 4 oçlock haha, but we had such a
wonderful experience. Our district leader challenged us to talk about Jesus
Christ every day this week. So that is what we did. It was wonderful to
hear and share beliefs with all those we crossed paths with.

There are so many things that I have learned so far on my mission, but one
thing is: Just have faith and it will all be okay. Whenever I have this
mindset, I find that I do not have fear. Like President Uchtdorf said,
doubt and fear do not exist in the same place. I know that when we have
faith, we can do all things.

A scripture that I really liked this week is in Mosiah 27:37. It is at the
close of the chapter. Each of us can be an instrument in the Lord’s hands,
and when we press forward publishing peace and sharing blessings, there are
so many good things to be received!

I hope you all have a great time during this special season, and are
spending times with your loved ones:)

Love you alll!

S laskou

Sestra Miller

(Pictures are of our sunset contacting and a beautiful church near the