Sestra Autumn Miller

Letters from our missionary in the Czech/Slovak Mission

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Don’t Be Discouraged, Be Full of Courage


This week has been great! The days in the mtc literally feel like years, but the weeks go by feeling like one day! It is so weird! But I have learned so much this week, and I can really feel myself changing and being molded by His hands into the missionary that He wants me to become.

We got to hear from another apostle this week! Elder Neil L. Anderson from the quorum of the 12 came and spoke at our devotional, on his birthday! The spirit was so strong! I know that he is called of God. He spoke directly to us about how the elect are waiting for you, where ever you are going. He also mentioned how the job of being a missionary is not easy, but when we open our mouths they will be filled. What a great blessing to have. I know that as I am being prepared in the mtc right now, there are people over in the Czech Republic whose hearts are being softened and prepared to hear the message that I have to share!

Another thing that really hit me this week is my faith. In order for faith to work, you have to put it into action! It takes a lot of courage and trust, but with the Lord on your side, you are unstoppable. Which is so so comforting to me.

One of our investigators this week committed to baptism. It was one of the most exciting and spiritual moments ever! My heart is just so happy that they are recognizing and wanting to grow closer to God. Another said her first prayer out loud with us. It was such a tender sweet time. They are helping me learn as I teach them about the plan of happiness that God has given us through the gospel. Being a missionary allows me to look at others through the eyes of Christ, and it is simply one of the best things ever!!!

This week I found what has become one of my most favorite and loved scriptures yet. It is in Moroni 7:13. I will attach a pic of it in Czech. But it talks about how all good thoughts are inspired of God. This helped me understand that I really need to take heed on all the positive promptings that I get. I know that He will help us and guide us, and by acting on his promptings, we will be happier, and we will be able to spread that happiness with others!

I hope you all have a blessed week!

S Laskaou,

Sestra Miller

Pictures: my fav scripture in Czech!
Our elders attempting to do the cool head poking out of the side of the door
Most of our zone, our last exercise day all together, playing Australian hand ball (aka best game ever!) Try and spot me!;)

Forget Yourself:)


Man this past week was amazing! We lost a big chunk of our zone on Monday, but now they are all in their countries serving the Lord and the people of Poland, Bulgaria, South Adriatic, and Slovenia! I am so excited for each and everyone of them. Seeing my good new friends go, made me realize that this is all really happening..! I am leaving in 15 DAY for the CZECH REPUBLIC! Can you believe it?! I can’t! It is so crazy but so very exciting for me and all of those in my district:) We cannot wait to get over to the country and share what we love.

We had Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson President of General Young Womens, come speak to us. And it was absolutely amazing. She talked about how we are never left alone, that our Savior is there right beside us, every step of the way. A great analogy that she gave was how our missions will be the training ground for our lives. This is so true! When you drop everything for the next 18-24 months of your life, and dedicate it to the Lord, He teaches you oh so much, and many of the lessons and blessings that I am seeing already- I know will be able to help me throughout the rest of my life. Our Father in Heaven knows our full potential and He is helping me a little bit each day to become it.

One of the best things about being a missionary is being able to see others as Christ would. Yesterday my companion and I got to skype a member in the Czech Republic! It was one of the coolest experiences ever! We had some connection problems at the beginning, and could not hear her super well, but I just had this overwhelming feeling of peace of love come over me. I knew that I already loved Alex. When I asked her how she developed faith in Christ, and how the gospel has blessed her life, my heart swelled. She talked about how thankful she was to have met the missionaries. They changed her life. It really gave me a taste of what it will be like once I get over to the country. Despite the language barrier, I know that I can always speak by the language of the spirit. It is real, and I have felt it work through me. My heart is in the Czech Republic already, and I cannot wait to go and meet these wonder people!

Sestra Valentine and I got called as the new Sister Training Leaders. We are over all of the sisters in our zone and we get to meet with them often. We help with training for the new missionaries that come into our zone and we even get a little flip phone that the branch presidency or front desk can call us on! Haha it is so weird having technology, even though we cannot do anything with it, we can only receive calls from those two places. It is amazing being in a position where people can turn to you for help, advice, questions, and love. I can feel how much God loves each of the sisters that are in my zone. And I can feel the spirit within me burning, they have so much goodness in them and it is wonderful being able to bare testimony with each of them during our one on one time.

It was so fun welcoming our new bunch of missionaries this week! We got ten new elders and two new sisters. They are all so sweet. It is funny looking at them and seeing that same deer in the headlights look that I know I had when I first got here. I know that each and every one of them are called of God, and they are just going to love the missionary life! We took them to play Australian handball with the rest of our zone and it was so much fun!

My scripture of the week is found in Alma 26:12-
You will not fail with Him
We must always seek for His Help
When we humble ourselves, we will see how many miracles He is capable of

I hope that you all know how much God loves each of you. He knows your potential and He will show you exactly how to achieve the plans that He has for you, if you take the time to create a relationship with Him. He loves you and wants you to turn to Him. I promise that He will bring you peace.

I would like to challenge you to take time in your prayers, if it be in the morning or at night, just take a moment and reflect on your day and ask if He is happy with what you have done, and then ask Him what He would have you do next. He will guide and direct you, I promise.

I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller


Our last zone picture, before they all left, we had a great picnic before the temple!

My companion and I matching in our floral at the Provo Temple

My district. I love them. We will all be on a plane to our country in two weeks together!)

He is With You Every Step of the Way


I would just like to proudly announce that I am leaving the MTC in 8 DAYS for the CZECH REPUBLIC! Yes. It is actually happening. I know, I cannot believe it either. But it is coming no matter how surreal it feels!

This week has been great. We god to listen to an amazing speaker on Tuesday. His name is Juan A. Uceda, he is a member of the 70. I think that he literally blessed every single missionary’s life that night. He reminded us how we need to give the Lord our ALL. As a missionary, I am a true servant of the Lord, and He will make miracles through me. But I have to have my heart and mind focused on Him. I loved the reminder that he gave us, which was: He will work through you even when you are weak. To be honest, there are many times where I have felt very weak and unable of things. I think that this is something everyone of us faces challenges with. We tell ourselves that we can’t, but really, we CAN! We just have to exercise and act on that faith, and He will pick us up and make us strong. I know that as I give my heart to Him, and share my testimony with others that He lives, they will be able to feel His love.

So I challenge you all, put POSITIVE feelings in your heart today! You can do this! I know you can, and He knows that you can! Even in struggling moments, He can lift you. When you struggle it shows that you are trying. I have felt this on many occasions during my lessons in Czech. But as I trust Him, I have have been able to feel Him lift me. I know that He will help you too:)

I made this little analogy the other day, talking with a sister in my district. I made a reference to the super cute movie, A Bug’s Life. Remember the part where the bugs are flying into the light, and they cannot help themselves. I was telling her that we will be that light in the Czech Republic. They will be attracted and then zapped!!! But zapped with spirituality! Hahah so a good thing, yes a very good thing, it will not hurt them;) I am just so ready to get out there and meet the people that God has set in my path. My heart is already in the Czech Republic. As we were skyping a sweet couple and their twins yesterday, even though they spoke very slurred Czech, I had so much compassion for them.

I love Mosiah. This week I found a scripture there that really picked me up. It is in chapter 23 verses 21-22. It talks about having patience, and as you trust Him, He will lift you up.

I hope that you all have a fabulous week!!!

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

Some of the Czech Sestry!
Our silly sour Czech Elders
Gotta get a selfie in every once in a while;)
This is our most updated zone picture, we will get another tomorrow with the new Polish!


Ahoj rodiny a komrady!

I hope that you are all well and enjoying life to its fullest! Boy oh boy, saying that I am excited for Monday would be a complete understatement.. I AM GOING TO THE CZECH REPUBLIC! It is happening, and I am so excited to pour my heart and soul into the Lord’s work over in Europe. It is going to be so incredible. I just have such a strong belief that everything happens for a reason, and that we will constantly be facing trials- but through every trial, we gain blessings! Fun how that works huh? After each hardship, we can look back and be thankful for it, because it has made it stronger. You can find more about this in Ether 12:)

This week has been one of the longest but most craziest weeks yet! We are all done teaching our investigators, we had IN FIELD ORIENTATION, we had to move out of our residency today (yes today! With only a day and a half left) because of a bat problem, I spent my last day in the temple for the next 16 days, and I have been trying to make the most of every moment with all of my new lovely friends that I have had support me through my mtc experience.

There are lots of things that come with learning a new language. I get the opportunity to seek the spirit, so that I can try my earnest to share words that will touch the hearts of those that I teach. I also get to make lots of silly mistakes, that are fun to look back on. For example: so we were teaching our last lesson with one of our 4 investigators and we were bearing our testimonies. I was trying to tell her that by keeping the commandments we can grow closer to God. Which is přiblížovat, but instead I said přilížovat. She got a very very confused look, so my first thought is to repeat what I said. So I say it a few more times and I am like rozumíte? And she starts acting out what I said. I told her that by keeping the commandments, we can go skiing towards God. Oh my goodness I just died laughing, and then I was like oh! And I slipped the “b” into the slovo. But hey, that would be pretty sweet too though right? I mean skiing with God, that would be pretty awesome;)

Anywho! There were a few things that I loved in our devotionals that we had this week.

Make Good Better and Better Best

Faith Begins With Humility

Sow Good Reap Good D&C 6

I know that in order to be a good missionary I need to “Want my heart in it 100%”. I am on God’s time, and I need to give Him my all. What is any better than rejoicing enduring and loving?! These are three things that I will constantly have my focus on throughout my whole mission. I am so ready to go and share the love of this gospel with the českí! There are so many things to rejoice about, and work through, and love! These three principles can easlily be applied to each of your own lives too. Try to remember that there is always some good in every day. So be grateful for it, and rejoice! There are trials in every day too, but they make us stronger! So endure and enjoy it! Christ was the most perfect example of pure love. We may not be perfect, but we can strive to develop charitable attributes and love others. So I challenge you to go out today and do something nice for someone:)

This week each time I go in my scriptures, I have always opened to 3 Nephi 18:16. I love how it emphasizes the fact that Christ is the light and example for each one of us.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week! Thank you for all the love and support.

S laskou,

Sestra Miller

Saying good bye to one of the best teachers ever! Love ya Sestra Frampton
3 Nephi 18
Our amazing district and two other fantastic teachers Bratr Knap and Sestra Godfree

české budějovice aka Disney Land of CR

Ahoj rodina and komradkí!

I made it to the CZECH REPUBLIC! Oh my and let me tell you is it wonderful!
Man I am so lucky to be here. Let alone just giving my all to the Savior
and His work. Every day is such a great day to be a missionary:)

As I was flying it really hit me that this was all happening once I looked
out my window and saw all the orange roofs. It got REAL at that moment. And
when we walked down the path to meet up with our mission president all my
worries went away and I felt at peace.

We got to go on a beautiful Prague walk (mostly to keep us awake, since we
had been up for so long and they were trying to help the jet lag) from what
I can remember it was amazing! My mission president told ous that we are
God’s most precious gifts, that he loves and blesses His missionaries. He
needs us here so that we can help others feel His love and expereince
immense happiness that the gospel brings:)

My companion is Sestra Hill and oh my golly she is just a peach! I love her
and she is amazingly wonderful:) I do not know what I would do without her!
Right when we got here we had a lesson with a less active named Olina and
she was so sweet. She also was the first person to let my tykat her! So her
in the CR if anyone is older than you, you formally vykat them. A politer
way to use words when talking to them. But she said liked me and that I
could talk to her casually:) She has such a strong testimony and she came
to church this Sunday, which was super exciting! I love the people. They
are so strong and very proud of their language haha. It is fun watching how
excited they get seeing me try to speak Czech. Since they are the only
country that speaks it they know how hard it is, and they love that I am
trying. They just smile and nod their heads and are so sweet to me:) I gave
a talk in church yesterday! yep first Sunday and already put on the spot;)
it was crazy we had visitors from Australia, Russia, CR, and Tawain. So my
czech was translated into english and mandarin! That was really weird.

Zmrzlína is the best thing ever! Oh my goodness and they have these
adorable icecream booths everyone! It is actually kinda bad. But my oh my
it sure is delicious! The food here is amazing! It is pushing me out of my
comfort zone a bit;) for those of you who know me I guess I am a little
picky. But it is so good! And yes Austin, they have tons of bread, so I
will survive;)

It is beautiful here. We went on a morning run and the grass was misted, we
were along the river, and the sun was peaking over all the colored hoses.
There are four people in my district. Two elders and two sisters. We have a
lot of work to do, but we are a very strong group:)

We also taught a lesson to a super sweet young mom who is from Germany, so
we taught her in English and it was wonderful.

I love the people and I love this country. I know that this is where I am
supposed to be.

“Faith is an abiding trust in the Lord”- Elder Scott

Mormon 9:27 I need thee every hour. I love this scripture. “Come unto the
Lord with all your heart.

I hope you are all doing amazing. Thank you for your support.

Today, just smile. My dad always told me MAGD Make A Good Day. So try and
spread happiness and the light of Christ!

S laskou

Sestra Miller​

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